The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Insight Santa Cruz

Embodying Peace: A Daylong Retreat on the 6 Principles of Cordiality

2025-02-01 (1 day) Insight Santa Cruz

2025-02-01 Embodying Peace Part 1 2:17:59
Andrea Castillo, Dawn Neal
The First Four Principles ~Settling Sit ~Teachings on Individualism and Community ~Teachings on the Six Principles of Cordiality ~Guided Meditation (Bio break- not recorded) ~Lightly Guided Meditation: Generosity and Metta ~Teachings on Metta (Lovingkindness) ~Teachings on Generosity ~Lightly Guided Meditation (Ritual - not recorded)
2025-02-01 Embodying Peace part 2 1:18:42
Dawn Neal, Andrea Castillo
~Lightly Guided Meditation (walking) ~Lightly Guided Meditation ~Teaching: Wise view, not-self, and generosity of spirit ~Teaching: Embracing the messy reality of communities (repeating questions and closing circle not recorded)
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