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In Memoriam: Rick Woudenberg

The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Retreat Dharma Talks at Insight Santa Cruz

Introduction to Mindfulness Meditation (four part series)

2023-10-25 (22 days) Insight Santa Cruz

2023-10-25 Class 1: Intro to Mindfulness Meditation-Breathing 1:25:01
Dawn Neal
Mindfulness of Breathing
Attached Files:
  • Class 1 Handout- Intro to Mindfulness by Dawn Neal and Gil Fronsdal (PDF)
2023-11-01 Class 2: Intro to Mindfulness Meditation-Body and Feeling Tone 1:27:06
Dawn Neal
Mindfulness of Body and Relationship to Body Sensations (Feeling Tone)
Attached Files:
  • ISC Intro to Mindfulness Meditation-Class 2 by Dawn Neal and Gil Fronsdal (PDF)
2023-11-08 Class 3: Intro to Mindfulness Meditation- Emotions 1:30:02
Dawn Neal
Mindfulness of Emotions
Attached Files:
  • Intro to Mindfulness Meditation- Emotions by Gil Fronsdal (and Dawn Neal) (PDF)
2023-11-15 Class 4: Intro to Mindfulness Meditation -Thinking 1:12:00
Dawn Neal
Attached Files:
  • Intro to Mindfulness Class 4 (Thinking) by Dawn Neal and Gil Fronsdal (PDF)
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