The greatest gift is the
gift of the teachings
Dawn Neal's Dharma Talks at Insight Santa Cruz
Dawn Neal
Dawn is a Buddhist teacher in the Insight Meditation tradition. She serves as the Guiding Teacher for Insight Santa Cruz, and also teaches regularly for Insight Meditation Center. She teaches and assists residential meditation retreats in North America.
2024-03-26 Dharmette: The Acrobats (On Mindfulness and Wise Boundaries) 14:04
Insight Santa Cruz
2024-03-24 Dharmette: Refuge and the one Overarching Precept 0:00
(Recording not available) 
Insight Santa Cruz Buddhism in a Nutshell: A Series on the Four Noble Truths
2024-03-19 Guided Meditation: Noticing the Skillful 46:41
Insight Santa Cruz
2024-03-19 Dharmette: Notice! The Awakening Factors in Daily Life 15:40
Insight Santa Cruz
2024-03-09 The Four Noble Truths: Third Noble Truth -- The Cessation of Suffering 2:12:41
with Dawn Neal, Tenzin Chogkyi
Part 3 of a five-part series, "Buddhism in a Nutshell"
Insight Santa Cruz Buddhism in a Nutshell: A Series on the Four Noble Truths
2024-02-13 Guided Meditation and Dharmette: Wise Effort in Meditation 61:27
Insight Santa Cruz
2024-02-10 The Four Noble Truths: Second Truth - Origin/Arising of Suffering 1:40:56
with Dawn Neal, Tenzin Chogkyi
Part 2 of a five-part series on "Buddhism in a Nutshell; the 4 Noble Truths"
Insight Santa Cruz Buddhism in a Nutshell: A Series on the Four Noble Truths
2024-01-30 Guided Meditation and Dharmette: Practicing with the Elements 61:42
Insight Santa Cruz
2024-01-17 Three Roots of Wellbeing: Class 3 (non-delusion) 1:10:08
Insight Santa Cruz
2024-01-16 Guided meditation and Dharmette: Attention! 58:26
Insight Santa Cruz

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